
30 Contoh Kalimat Saran Bahasa Inggris, Sumber Inspirasi, Jakarta - Barang kali kamu memerlukan atau mungkin pernah memberikan saran kepada orang lain? Memberikan sebuah saran menjadi hal yang kerap digunakan dalam bersosialisasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Biasanya saran muncul karena ada suatu permasalahan atau berada di situasi yang membutuhkan pendapat maupun masukan untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Lazimnya saran berisi opini maupun harapan akan suatu hal untuk menjadikannya lebih baik atau bercitra positif.

Memberikan sebuah saran juga menunjukan kemampuan seseorang dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah sehingga bermanfaat tidak hanya untuk diri sendiri, tetapi orang lain juga.

Dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat saran disebut juga sebagai "suggestion". Jika kamu penasaran seperti apa kalimat saran dalam bahasa Inggris, bisa menyimak contoh-contohnya di bawah ini.

Berikut ini 30 contoh kalimat saran bahasa Inggris, yang bisa dipelajari, dikutip dari laman Xamux dan Englishspecialist, Rabu (8/3/2023).

2 dari 4 halaman

Contoh Kalimat Saran Bahasa Inggris

1. "I'd like to suggest that you stop using plastic because plastic can be harmful to our environment."

2. "I'd like to suggest that you stop watching this movie because you always can't sleep after watching this movie."

3. "Hey Franklin, I'd like to suggest that you stop smoking because smoking is harmful to your lung health."

4. "I advise you to stop complaining."

5. "You should get a lot of supplements for better health."

6. "It’s better for you to get money from the ATM if it is necessary."

7. "Perhaps you should go to the toilet if it is necessary."

8. "It's best to go to the hospital because you look in pain."

9. "Perhaps you should come to your brother's house."

10. "You should exercise more."

3 dari 4 halaman

Contoh Kalimat Saran Bahasa Inggris

11. "It's better for you to open the window."

12. "It's best to fix the frame, rather than buy a new one."

13. "You should care about it."

14. "You need to stay at home, it would be safer."

15. "You better to get time for yourself, you can take a short escape."

16. "Make sure you understand him."

17. "Why don't you buy the watch?"

18. "I think of a good way for taking time for yourself."

19. "You need to work now."

20. "You ought to take this project."

4 dari 4 halaman

Contoh Kalimat Saran Bahasa Inggris

21. "You better to change your perspective."

22. "Why don't you read a book before going to bed?"

23. "You better to wear a jacket because it's really cold."

24. "I suggest you save more money."

25. "I advise you to read more books."

26. "I urge you to work faster."

27. "You have to check your Gmail inbox every day."

28. "You ought to come earlier tomorrow."

29. "Maybe you should think about buying a new car."

30. "You should probably consider finding a new job."


Sumber: Xamux, Englishspecialist

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