
32 Ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Dibagikan di Media Sosial, Jakarta - Membutuhkan ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak untuk keluarga, teman, sahabat, dan rekan kerja yang merayakan Hari Waisak? Kumpulan ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini mungkin bisa membantu.

Umat Buddha di Indonesia merayakan Hari Waisak pada Senin (16/5/2022). Hari Waisak di Indonesia merupakan 'tanggal merah' atau hari libur nasional, sesuai Keputusan Presiden Nomor 3 Tahun 1983.

Hari Waisak dirayakan dalam bulan Mei saat terang bulan, untuk memperingati tiga peristiwa penting (Trisuci Waisak), yakni lahirnya Pangeran Siddharta pada 623 SM, 1 Pangeran Siddharta mencapai Penerangan Agung dan menjadi Buddha tahun 588 SM, serta Buddha Gautama parinibbana (wafat) pada 543 SM.

Ada banyak ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak yang bisa kamu jadikan status di media sosial atau kamu kirimkan kepada orang-orang terdekat yang merayakan.

Jangan sampai kelupaan karena memberi ucapan yang tulus merupakan satu di antara bentuk perhatian.

Berikut kumpulan ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak dalam bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Wishesstatus24 dan Createcustomwishes, Senin (16/5/2022).

2 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "On this beautiful day, let us pray for love, peace and harmony in all the world. Have a blessed Buddha Purnima!"

2. "We wish you prosperity and lasting peace and happiness, today and always. Happy Vesak Day 2022!"

3. "He's the one who’s most satisfied with the least. Vesak Day greetings."

4. "It's better to win than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or demons, heaven or hell."

5. "Every day is a new day! No matter how difficult the past, you can start again. Vesak Day greetings."

6. "Words have power to destroy and to heal. When words are true and kind, they can change our world."

7. "Pain is certain, suffering is selective. Happy Day of Vesak 2022!"

8. "To my vesak celebrating friends & fam: may peace be with you during this light-filled celebration. happy Vesak Day Sparkles" 

3 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak dalam Bahasa Inggris

9. "So, this is a wonderful opportunity for everybody to use these potent energies to ignite the fires of spirituality within you, so that you may obtain wonderful, enlightening insights into yourself and the world around you. Happy Vesak Day 2022, and happy Full Moon, everyone!"

10. "We wish you prosperity and lasting peace and happiness, today and always. Happy Buddha Purnima!

11. "It's the day when Siddhartha turned Buddha. Buddha means the one who is above his intellect, the one who found answers to every question in his mind… Happy Vesak day 2022!"

12. "We wish you and your family a Happy Vesak Day, Peace and Good Health."

13. "On this beautiful day, let us pray for love, peace and harmony in all the world. Have a blessed Buddha Purnima!"

14. "On Buddha Purnima.. Wishing that peace and traquality be by your side. Today and Always!"

15. "On the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima, I wish that you may find rays of hope and your life is enlightened by the divine grace of Lord Buddha! Happy Vesak Day 2022!"

16. "Wishing you a very Happy Buddha Jayanti. May Lord Buddha enlighten you on the path of peace and harmony."

4 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak dalam Bahasa Inggris

17. "May the year be full of good health and peace. Happy Buddha Purnima!"

18. "Here’s wishing you and your family a very happy Vesak Day 2022!

19. "Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth. Happy Buddha Purnima!"

20. "The mind is everything. What you think you become. Therefore, think of peace and blissfulness. A very happy Buddha Purnima 2022  to all."

21. "May Lord Buddha guide us on the path of love, peace, and truth. Happy Buddha Purnima to you and your family."

22. "Let us remember our dear Lord Buddha on this auspicious day. Happy Vesak Day 2022."

23. "On this auspicious day, let us remember Lord Buddha’s teachings and spread the message of universal brotherhood and compassion for everyone. Warm wishes to you on Buddha Jayanti."

24. "Let us be enlightened on the path of love, peace and truth showed by Lord Buddha."

5 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Selamat Hari Waisak dalam Bahasa Inggris

25. "Don't believe anything, no matter where you read it, whoever said it, it doesn't matter if I said it unless it agrees with your reason and your mind. Buddha Purnima 2022!"

26. "Let your spirit fill you with non-violence and truth. Happy Buddha Purnima."

27. "May King Buddha enlighten you on the path of love, peace and truth. Happy Buddha Purnima."

28. "Let us pray for peace and harmony for all mankind on this beautiful day. Happy Buddha Purnima."

29. "May the full moon of Buddha Purnima today remove the darkness of ignorance from our lives and lead us on the path to peace and enlightenment."

30. "May the full moon of Buddha Purnima rob all diseases and bring peace and resurrection. Have a happy Buddha Jayanti!"

31. "I wish you a life full of peace and tranquility this Buddha Purnima and always!"

32. "May King Buddha enlighten you on the path to peace, free from violence and truth. Happy Buddha Purnima!"


Sumber: Wishesstatus24, Createcustomwishes

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