
40 Ucapan Kelulusan SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta - Kelulusan SMA adalah momen yang luar biasa dalam perjalanan pendidikan seorang siswa. Setelah beberapa tahunbelajar, menghadapi tantangan, dan melalui perjuangan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, akhirnya tiba saatnya untuk merayakan pencapaian tersebut.

Kelulusan bukan hanya sekadar mendapatkan ijazah, tetapi juga melambangkan kesuksesan, ketekunan, dan dedikasi seseorang dalam menyelesaikan pendidikan mereka.

Ucapan kelulusan SMA dalam bahasa Inggris dapat diucapkan sebagai ungkapan kebahagiaan, kebanggaan, dan dorongan bagi para lulusan.

Ucapan tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai inspirasi untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan positif dan memberikan semangat kepada mereka yang telah berhasil menyelesaikan studi mereka.

Kamu bisa menyampaikannya secara langsung atau pun menyampaikannya melalui media sosial kepada kerabat, teman, ataupun keluarga yang baru saja lulus.

Berikut 40 ucapan kelulusan SMA dalam bahasa Inggris, yang sarat pesan berarti, seperti dikutip dari Wishesmsg, Rabu (17/5/2023).

2 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Kelulusan SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "All your hard work finally paid off. Congratulations buddy!"

2. "Congratulations on your successful graduation. You truly deserve it, and I'm so happy for you."

3. "I knew that you will go far in life, and your graduation is just the first step on your journey. This is one of the significant achievements of your life, and I am so proud of you."

4. "I cannot express how happy I am to know you have graduated. I wish you a bright future. Congratulations, my friend."

5. "May God continue his blessing on my buddy. Wishing the best of luck for your next approach."

6. "My dear friend, warmest congratulations on your graduation. I am wishing you nothing but the best. Stay shining."

7. "I know how hard you studied all this year and now it's all paid off. Congratulations on your graduation."

8. "May God never stop showering my best friend with His blessings. Congratulations on your big achievement."

9. "Congratulations, my friend. I hope you didn’t forget about the party. Don't worry; I didn't forget."

10. "Congratulations, my dear friend! You have got an excellent mark, and I am so proud of you. Best of luck."

3 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Kelulusan SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris

11. "As you move on to the next chapter in your life, I want you to know that I am proud of you as you are signing off. You have the intelligence and passion for achieving anything."

12. "Congratulations friend! There are so many things waiting for you to achieve. So never stop striving for excellence."

13. "I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt congratulations and send you my warmest wishes. You have worked hard and faced countless challenges to reach this point. My best wishes for your future."

14. "It wasn't easy, but you made it! Congratulations, my dear friend."

15. "Your determination and dedication helped you to reach the ultimate goal. Congratulations, my dear friend."

16. "You did incredible! It is not an easy task to complete graduation with such brilliant success. We are proud of you. Best of luck my dear."

17. "My heartfelt congratulations to you on your most significant achievement. May God bless you on your upcoming journey.

18. "Congratulations graduate! My highest hope is that you will continue such success and will succeed in your future life. Let's celebrate."

19. "I remember how worried you were about your exams, but now it's all over. Congrats on your graduation and best wishes for your future."

20. "It's finally your graduation day. You don't know how proud I am today. Congrats buddy, wish you great success."

4 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Kelulusan SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris

21. "A very bright future is waiting for you. I know you are most confident about yourself, the graduation added a new level of success. Best of luck my friend."

22. "Congratulations dear, you did it! The days of sorrow come to an end. I hope you are no more disappointed with your life right now. Best wishes for you."

23. "Hello Dear, you have completed your graduation. Really it is a great achievement of life. Congratulations my friend. Go forward. Best of luck."

24. "Here I am sending warm and big congratulations to a graduate. I am so very proud of you my dear. Wish you good luck."

25. "Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next mission."

26. "Dear friend, your goal has been achieved. Just keep it up. Best of luck for your future."

27. "Congratulations, best friend. It's time to chase your dreams. All my best wishes to you on your graduation."

28. "You have worked so hard to be a graduate, and it's truly a pleasure to watch you achieving everything in life. Congratulations on your graduation, bestie."

29. "I knew from the bottom of my heart you will score high in your exam. As for your graduation ceremony, congratulations my dear!"

30. "Congratulations on your graduation, mate. You nailed it in the first place, it was not an easy task but you did it. Lots of love for you."

5 dari 5 halaman

Ucapan Kelulusan SMA dalam Bahasa Inggris

31. "I wish you celebrate more like today and all your dreams come true. I feel so proud to see my best friend achieving all his goals in life. Congratulations!"

32. "When it comes to perfection, it reminds me of you, you did great on your test and graduated before me. I am so happy for you."

33. "My dear best friend, you have crossed another mile of your life. Congratulations are not enough on your success. I'm proud of you. None but you deserve this achievement."

34. "You've struggled for so long, and finally, the result is here. May success never stop following you. Congratulations!"

35. "Seeing you achieving your goal and fulfilling your dream gives me so much joy, my friend. I cannot express in words how happy I'm for you. There is a long way, and you'll be successful."

36. "The entire journey was full of ups and downs, but you're determined, which helped you. Congratulations, my bestie."

37. "You're a shining star from the very beginning, and today you've made all of us proud. This is the moment you've waited all these years. May you succeed today and always, best friend."

38. "Congratulations on your graduation, my dear friend! I am proud of you and all that you have accomplished. This is just the beginning of your journey, and I cannot wait to see what more you will do."

39. "My heartiest congratulations as you become a graduate today. No matter what happens, you never stop dreaming big, and now it's your time to enjoy the fruit of your hard work."

40. "Your confidence level was always high. I knew you could do it. Congratulations my dear. Congratulations graduate!"


Sumber: Wishesmsg

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