
30 Ucapan Berbuka Puasa dalam Bahasa Inggris, Kekinian dan Anti Mainstream, Jakarta - Ucapan berbuka puasa bisa menjadi penyemangat setelah seharian menahan lapar dan haus. Kamu bisa berkirim ucapan berbuka puasa kepada orang terdekat, seperti keluarga, teman maupun kekasih.

Dengan mengirimkan ucapan berbuka puasa akan menambah kenikmatan berbuka bagi yang membacanya.

Nah, khusus orang terdekat dan terkasih kamu bisa menyampaikannya sedikit berbeda. Kamu bisa menggunakan ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggris biar kekinian.

Bingung ingin mengirimkan ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggris apa yang tepat, jangan khawatir.

Ada banyak ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu kirimkan. Kamu dapat mengirimkannya melalui pesan di media sosial atau mengatakannya secara langsung.

Berikut ini kumpulan ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti dipetik dari Katabijakbahasainggris dan Englishclas, Rabu (28/4/2021).

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2 dari 4 halaman

Ucapan Berbuka Puasa dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Happy Break Fasting, hope our fasting today gets kindness."

2. "Ramadhan is month full of blessings. Live happily, let’s break the fast, when Bedug magrib has arrived."

3. "Hopefully, we get the good in our fast today. Now it is time to break the fast."

4. "Today we have hunger and thirst, now comes the time for maghrib we break the fast, secure charity iftar fasting may be accepted by Allah SWT."

5. "Immediately break fasting when you hear adzan magrib, eat, and don't forget to salat."

6. "It there is rice, fruits, ready ini up of table. With pure of hearth i said happy open fasting day."

7. "To you that i always loving happy opened fasting."

8. "One day is thirsty, one day is not desire. Happy open fasting day."

9. "You are that beautiful and handsome happy fasting day."

10. "Happy break fasting day, hopefully that our fasting will bring kindness."

3 dari 4 halaman

Ucapan Berbuka Puasa dalam Bahasa Inggris

11. "When open fasting time you are eating not to much and not over, happy open fasting day."

12. "Fasting also requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Magrib was sounded, so congratulations to break the fast. Do not forget to break the fast with something sweets."

13. "May Allah accept our fasts. Just a few more minutes in iftaar. May Allah forgive ys and accepts our hard work for doing good deeds. Happy Iftar time."

14. "People who break fastign truly gets their happiness, but do not let one express it with excessive breaking."

15. "Happy open fasting day. May Allah accept our worship."

16. "Azan magrib was sounded, it's time to break the fast."

17. "Hunger, keep saliva dripping lust. Fortunately there beside my beloved darling can accompany me to endure hunger and lust. Let's iftar."

18. "Happy break fasting all."

19. "With smile i said happy opened fasting day!"

20. "To you that i always loving happy opened fasting!"

4 dari 4 halaman

Ucapan Berbuka Puasa dalam Bahasa Inggris

21. "Congratulation dear you my Moslem friend, this is our time to include some abundance."

22. "Break fasting will be agreeable time in Ramadhan, upbeat fasting."

23. "The moment for which everyone is waiting. The moment of blessings and forgiveness. Happy Ramadhan Iftar Greetings Remember us in prayers."

24. "Do not forget to pray after just eating. When satisfied, do not forget to say Alhamdulillah. Happy fasting I have to say, you with the most beautiful smile."

25. "The time of blessing of Allah, the time of great pleasure. Happy iftar, don't forget in your prayers."

26. "Make ramadan this time is a reminder that people should not be arrogant. Because, viruses as small as COVID-19 can paralyze all activities. May we be kept from all diseases. amiin. Happy breaking the fast!"

27. "The happiness of a person who fasts when going to heaven is the same as happiness when waiting for iftar. May Allah grant His mercy so that we may reach His Jannah."

28. "May we always get guidance from Allah in order to complete the fast of Ramadhan this time perfectly. Happy iftar!"

29. "Fasting also requires a lot of enthusiasm and now, adzan magrib was sounded. Happy iftar dan don’t forget starting the break of fast with sweets meals."

30. "All day long we have thirst dan hunger. Just a minute comes magrib and we have to break the fast. Happy break fasting and may be accepted by Allah SWT."


Sumber: Katabijakbahasainggris, Englishclas

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