
36 Contoh Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Idola Korea, Jakarta - Contoh ucapan ulang tahun untuk idola Korea banyak dicari lantaran ikut merayakan ulang tahun, meski dari jauh dan tidak secara langsung, menjadi bukti kedekatan dengan sang idola.

Tak dimungkiri, belakangan ini makin banyak dari kita di Indonesia, yang mengidolakan public figure dari Korea. Apakah itu aktor, aktris, dan penyanyi.

Para penggemar ini banyak yang tergabung dalam fandom alias kelompok yang mengidolakan satu idola tertentu. 

Mereka tak hanya selalu update dengan karya-karya sang idola, melainkan juga memantau kesehariannya. Maka, ulang tahun sang idola tentu tak dilewatkan begitu saja.

Sebuah fandom terkadang membuat sebuah 'proyek' untuk merayakan ulang tahun idola yang mereka puja. Ucapan ulang tahun juga membanjiri lini masa media sosial saat sang idola berulang tahun hingga menjadi trending dan viral.

Jika kamu tak bisa berbahasa Korea, tak ada salahnya kamu memberi ucapan ulang tahun menggunakan bahasa Inggris. 

Untuk membantumu, beberapa contoh ucapan di bawah ini bisa kamu gunakan.

Berikut contoh ucapan ulang tahun untuk idola Korea dalam bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Deskgram dan Wishesforbday, Selasa (6/6/2023).

2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Idola Korea

1. "Today is the day we celebrate the birthday of my all-time favourite idol! I hope this year brings you even more success and happiness."

2. "Happy Birthday! Even though you don't know me, I’m your fan and every day I root for your success!"

3. "You are my inspiration, the person I consider my idol, my hero! Today, you are a year older, but you are also wiser and more charming. Happy birthday!"

4. "Wishing a happy birthday to the most talented and incredible idol out there. May your day be filled with love and laughter, and may all your dreams come true."

5. "Today is the day of the one who taught me to dream! You are my idol for many reasons and today, on your birthday, I want to wish you a year full of success. Happy birthday!"

6. "Wishing a happy birthday to the idol who has made such a positive impact on my life. You have taught me so much about hard work, perseverance, and never giving up on your dreams."

7. "My idol, may life surprise you on this your birthday and all your life with many good reasons for smile, love, be loved and very happy. Congratulations for another year, my hero!"

8. "Congratulations to my idol as always, he completes another year of success, achievements and adventures. It's been amazing to follow him, follow his path. Congratulations! May the coming year be equally magnificent!"

9. "Heroes are forever. Congratulations to my idol, my greatest inspiration!"

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Idola Korea

10. "You're beautiful inside and out! Hope your birthday is a spectacular one, you deserve it! Happy birthday!"

11. "Happy birthday to the one and only idol who has captured my heart with their talent, charisma, and passion. May this year bring you even more success and joy than the last."

12. "Maybe you have many special days in your life, but your birthday deserves a break. Relax and enjoy every single moment. Happy birthday, my idol!

13. "You're the world's most influential person, because the impact you have had on me will last forever. I appreciate you so much. Happy birthday, irreplaceable role model!"

14. "I don't know if I'll ever see you, but it won't stop me from celebrating your faraway influence on my life. Happy birthday to a great inspiration in my life."

15. "I wish you a birthday lively as a butterfly, happy like a flower, and so special that you will still be smiling about it when your next birthday comes along! Have a lovely birthday."

16. "Happy birthday to my best actor/actress. Your great fashion sense is among the things that made me choose you as my favorite celebrity. Happy birthday to a celebrity with full swag."

17. "You have the right to scatter everywhere today, vibe and dance to the rhythm of the music because you owns the day. Happy birthday to a special person that I am attracted to."

18. "Nothing shall quench your light, nothing shall stop you from shining. Nothing shall ever steal your joy. Your new age is already blessed. Happy birthday to you."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Idola Korea

19. "To the idol who has changed my life in so many ways, happy birthday! Your music and performances have brought so much happiness and inspiration to my life."

20. "Every day when I am watching you I leave challenging myself to be a better me, your heart is just as big and special as your talent, be as you are a kind, humble and generous person. Happy birthday."

21. "Celebrities like you took a lot of risks, and that makes you a hero. Happy birthday, my idol!"

22. "Happy birthday to my dear idol! You are an inspiration to so many, and I feel lucky to be one of your fans. I hope this year brings you all the joy and success you deserve."

23. "Wishing a very happy birthday to the one and only (nama idol)! Your talent and hard work continue to amaze me, and I can't wait to see what you'll accomplish in the years ahead."

24. "To the most talented and dedicated idol I know, happy birthday! May this year be filled with new opportunities, exciting projects, and plenty of reasons to celebrate."

25. "Happy birthday to my idol and role model! Your strength, passion, and creativity inspire me every day, and I feel privileged to support you in all your endeavors."

26. "On your special day, I want to wish my idol a happy birthday and express my gratitude for all you do. Your artistry, kindness, and generosity make the world a better place."

27. "Wishing a very happy birthday to (nama idol), the best in the business! May your day be filled with love, laughter, and all your favorite things."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Idola Korea

28. "Happy birthday to my favourite idol! Your talent and charisma light up the stage and the screen, and I'm honoured to be a part of your fan community."

29. "To the amazing and talented (nama idol), happy birthday! You bring so much joy and inspiration to your fans, and we're all grateful for your hard work and dedication."

30. "Warmest birthday wishes to my idol and hero! Your artistry, authenticity, and courage inspire me to be a better person, and I hope this year brings you all the success and happiness you deserve."

31. "Happy birthday to the one and only (nama idol), who continues to captivate audiences around the world with your talent and creativity. May your day be as special and wonderful as you are."

32. "Happy birthday to the coolest idol! May your dance moves be smoother than ever before and your vocals more powerful than ever before."

33. "Happy birthday, my idol! You're an inspiration to us all, and we can't wait to see what amazing music you'll create in the year ahead."

34. "Wishing a happy birthday to the one and only idol who can make our hearts skip a beat with just one note. Keep shining bright and reaching for the stars!"

35. "Happy birthday to my beloved idol! You have inspired me in ways that you cannot imagine. May you have an amazing day filled with joy and laughter."

36. "On this special day, I want to wish my idol a happy birthday! Thank you for being an incredible role model and for inspiring me to be the best version of myself."


Sumber: Deskgram, Wishesforbday

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