
Lirik Lagu Body Moving - Eliza Rose & Calvin Harris, Jakarta - "Body Moving" adalah sebuah lagu dari penyanyi dan penulis lagu asal Inggris, Eliza Rose, yang menampilkan DJ dan produser rekaman asal Skotlandia, Calvin Harris. Lagu ini dirilis pada 17 November 2023.

Berikut lirik lagu Body Moving:


Oh, the beat of my body is looking to groove

Wanna get down, yeah, I'm looking to move

The beat of my body marches to a groove

Wanna get down, yeah, I'm looking to move


Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby


When the lights go down

Moon goes up

And the music sounds

Oh, I love it when the lights go down

Bodies moving like no one's around

Oh, I love it when the


Moon goes up

Oh, I love it when the

Bodies moving like no–


Deep, deep down on the basement floor

That's where I grow, baby, that's where I flow

My body heats up as my figure goes low

Toing and froing, bodies are flowing


The beams of the moon let the sun in

And your look of love keeps me running back

Running back

Running back


When the lights go down

Moon goes up

And the music sounds

Oh, I love it when the lights go down

Bodies moving like no one's around

Oh, I love it when the


Moon goes up

Oh, I love it when the

Bodies moving like no


Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby


Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby

Deep, deep down, baby

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