
35 Contoh Ucapan Earth Day 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta - Dalam peringatan Earth Day (Hari Bumi) 22 April, mari kita tingkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga alam kita melalui ucapan yang menginspirasi.

Ucapan-ucapan ini tidak hanya mengajak untuk menghargai keindahan alam, tetapi juga untuk bertindak nyata dalam menjaga kelestariannya.

Tahun ini, tema peringatan Earth Day adalah Planet vs. Plastics, atau Planet (Bumi) menghadapi plastik. Dari tema ini terlihat nyata bahaya penggunaan plastik yang bisa merusak Bumi.

Jadi, mari bersama-sama membangun semangat konservasi dan kepedulian terhadap Bumi kita.

Saat kita merayakan Earth Day, mari kita jadikan ucapan-ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris ini sebagai panggilan untuk bertindak.

Setiap kata yang diucapkan memiliki kekuatan untuk menginspirasi perubahan. Bersama, mari kita wujudkan komitmen untuk melindungi planet kita demi masa depan yang lebih baik.

Berikut 35 contoh ucapan Earth Day 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris, Senin (22/4/2024).

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Contoh Ucapan Earth Day 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's celebrate our beautiful planet and pledge to protect it."

2. "Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day 2024! May we all strive to be better stewards of our environment."

3. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's unite to make our Earth a cleaner, greener place."

4. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's renew our commitment to conservation and sustainability."

5. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Today and every day, let's cherish and protect our precious planet."

6. "Sending love to Mother Earth on this special Earth Day 2024. Let's take care of our home."

7. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's celebrate the beauty of nature and work together to preserve it."

8. "Wishing you a Happy Earth Day 2024 filled with appreciation for the wonders of our planet."

9. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's honor our Earth by living more sustainably and responsibly."

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Contoh Ucapan Earth Day 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris

10. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's commit to making eco-friendly choices for a brighter future."

11. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's protect wildlife, conserve resources, and reduce our carbon footprint."

12. "Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's be the change our planet needs."

13. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's come together to create a healthier planet for future generations."

14. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's reflect on the beauty of nature and our responsibility to preserve it."

15. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's plant trees, clean up our communities, and advocate for environmental protection."

16. "Wishing you a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's cherish our Earth and all its inhabitants."

17. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's appreciate the natural wonders around us and work to keep them intact."

18. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's make sustainable living a priority and reduce our impact on the planet."

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Contoh Ucapan Earth Day 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris

19. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's commit to living in harmony with nature and protecting our Earth."

20. "Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's make every day Earth Day."

21. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's take action today for a cleaner, healthier planet tomorrow."

22. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire change."

23. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's celebrate the diversity of life on our planet and work to preserve it."

24. "Wishing you a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's respect nature and live in balance with our surroundings."

25. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's appreciate the Earth's beauty and protect it for future generations."

26. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's make a commitment to sustainable living and environmental stewardship."

27. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's join hands to protect our planet and create a greener, cleaner world."

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Contoh Ucapan Earth Day 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris

28. "Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's leave a positive impact on our Earth."

29. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's remember that every action we take has an impact on our planet."

30. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's celebrate the Earth's natural wonders and work to preserve them."

31. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's embrace sustainability and protect our planet's precious resources."

32. "Wishing you a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's make environmental conservation a priority."

33. "Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's unite for the love of our planet and its inhabitants."

34. "On this Earth Day 2024, let's commit to making positive changes for a healthier Earth."

35. "Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day 2024! Let's work together to build a sustainable future."


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