
Lirik Lagu Forget About Us - Perrie, Jakarta - Lagu Forget About Us terdapat dalam album P1* milik penyanyi asal Inggris, Perrie. Itu adalah album studio debutnya. Forget About Us sebagai single utama dirilis pada 12 April 2024. 


I heard you fell in love with somebody new

I know you heard that I’ve found someone too

Saw you blew up and I’m proud of you

But I don’t want to hear those songs no more


Do you remember the way we fell and

Like everything froze with just one glance then

From heaven to nothing it feels like hell well

Here’s the truth of it


I don't want you ever to forget about us

In the front seat listening to songs that made you think about me

Bonfire smoke on your hoodie

That I stole from your flat

No I never gave it back but

I don't want you ever to forget about us

I know we were never perfect

But I think about the life we never had

Yeah we both found different love

And we're moving on

Let’s leave it buried where it was


I've felt more love since you for sure

And I don't want to go back to where we were before

But when I hear your name it's still so raw

Do you ever feel the same way too


Do you remember the way we fell and

Like everything froze with just one glance then

From heaven to nothing it feels like hell well

Here's the truth of it


I don't want you ever to forget about us

In the front seat listening to songs that made you think about me

Bonfire smoke on your hoodie

That I stole from your flat

No I never gave it back but

I don't want you ever to forget about us

I know we were never perfect

But I think about the life we never had

Yeah we both found different love

And we're moving on

Let's leave it buried where it was


Sumber: Youtube Perrie

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