
Lirik Lagu Summer's Gone - Monoir, Jakarta - Dalam "Summer's Gone", musisi asal Rumania, Monoir, mengajak kita dalam sebuah perjalanan melalui kenangan akan hari-hari yang bermandikan sinar matahari dan romansa yang cepat berlalu.

Berikut lirik lagu Summer's Gone:


There's no escape cause I've locked you in my head

I'm so high…

And I still vision of the things I never had.. this summer..


I need you closer, now that summer's gone

I need your loving, now that I'm alone

I want you closer, now that you can't come

I wanna keep you... now that summe's gone


This summer I'm ready to go

I'm gonna be happy in a place I don't know

This summer I'm ready to go

I'm gonna find you in a place I don't know

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