
32 Kata-Kata Toxic Bahasa Inggris, Bisa Jadi Sentilan, Jakarta - Kata-kata toxic bahasa Inggris mengacu pada orang-orang 'beracun' alias toxic yang mungkin ada di sekelilingmu. Keberadaan mereka di dekatmu, bisa membuatmu kesal. 

Ada orang di luar sana yang akan membuatmu merasa tidak nyaman setiap kali mereka ada. Seolah-olah mereka dilahirkan untuk mempermalukanmu, mengalihkan perhatianmu, dan menghalangi kesuksesan dan kebahagiaanmu.

Sering kali orang toxic dalam hidup kita adalah kekasih, keluarga, atau bahkan suami maupun istri, dan tak jarang juga, teman.

Orang toxic bisa berbahaya karena mereka biasanya manipulatif, pasif-agresif, mengontrol, menuntut, kritis, dan tidak bertanggung jawab.

Mereka membuatmu meragukan diri sendiri dan merusak harga dirimu, terutama jika kamu tidak membuat batasan untuk melindungi jiwamu dari 'racun' mereka.

Meski kamu tahu orang-orang ini tidak baik untukmu, dalam beberapa kasus, sulit untuk melepaskan mereka. Misalnya, saja rekan kerja yang toxic. Alhasil, mengetahui cara mengelolanya agar kenegatifan mereka tidak menginfeksimu sangat penting.

Kata-kata seputar toxic dalam bahasa Ingris dapat menggambarkan kebingungan dan frustrasimu karena memiliki orang-orang toxic ini dalam hidupmu.

Berikut ini kata-kata toxic bahasa Inggris, dikutip dari Happierhuman, Minggu (5/2/2023).

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Kata-Kata Toxic Bahasa Inggris

1. "Like arsenic, toxic people will slowly kill you. They kill your positive spirit and play with your mind and emotions. The only cure is to let them go." - Denisse Lisseth

2. "The less you respond to negative people, the more powerful your life will become." - Robert E. Baine, Jr.

3. "Don't let toxic people infect you with the fear of giving and receiving one of the most powerful forces in this world… Love!" - Yvonne Pierre

4. "Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself." - Hussein Nishah

5. "Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow." - DLQ

6. "As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships." - John Mark Green

7. "Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you." - Christian Baloga

8. "Let go of negative people. They only show up to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear, and judgment on others. If somebody is looking for a bin to throw all their trash into, make sure it’s not in your mind." - Dalai Lama

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Kata-Kata Toxic Bahasa Inggris

9. "Yes, the people around us can be insensitive, narcissistic, toxic, and sometimes even abusive, but it is up to us to take that energy on or let it flow through us. No one is responsible for taking away our happiness but us." - Aletheia Luna

10. "Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don't hesitate. Fumigate." - Mandy Hale

11. "The idea is quite simple, stay a light year away from people who make you feel less about yourself." - Mohith Agadi

12. "Don't confuse "familiar" with "acceptable". Toxic relationships can fool you like that." - Steve Maraboli

13. "If they do it often, it isn't a mistake; it's just their behavior." - Dr. Steve Maraboli

14. "Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out." - Robert Tew

15. "People who try to bring you down every day aren't important in your life, so you better treat their opinions as such." - Terry Mark

16. "It's amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life." - Robert Tew

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Kata-Kata Toxic Bahasa Inggris

17. "People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely." - Hans F. Hansen

18. "Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions." - Will Smith

19. "You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people." - Joel Osteen

20. "Toxic people spread their toxin to you and then you, in turn, become a wasteland like they are." - Body Focus

21. "Handling toxic people is not an art, they will be the victim of their own toxicity." - P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

22. "I have found the best way to deal with a toxic person is to not respond in any other way than monotone voice and a businesslike manner." - Jen Grice

23. "When you notice someone does something toxic the first time, don't wait for the second time before you address it." - Shahida Arabi

24. "We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us." - P.A. Speers

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Kata-Kata Toxic Bahasa Inggris

25. "People who love themselves, don't hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer." - Dan Pearce

26. "Unhappy people can be very dangerous, don't forget that." - S.E. Lynes

27. "While you can't control someone's negative behavior, you can control how long you participate in it."

28. "Life is short. Don't waste it with negative people who don't appreciate you. Keep them in your heart but keep them out of your life."

29. "Cutting people out of your life doesn't mean you hate them, it simply means you respect yourself. Not everyone is meant to stay."

30. "Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away."

31. "You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around."

32. "Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who are committed to misunderstanding you."


Sumber: Happierhuman

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