
32 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Paskah Bahasa Inggris, Penuh Pesan Bermakna, Jakarta - Paskah merupakan perayaan penting bagi umat Kristiani di seluruh dunia. Di tahun 2024, Paskah jatuh pada tanggal 31 Maret.

Paskah merupakan perayaan terpenting dalam kekristenan, memperingati kebangkitan Yesus Kristus dari kematian setelah tiga hari disalibkan.

Kebangkitan ini menjadi simbol kemenangan atas dosa dan kematian, serta menandakan awal kehidupan baru bagi umat kristiani.

Ucapan selamat Paskah sering menjadi satu di antara cara untuk menyampaikan harapan dan doa kepada orang-orang terkasih.

Ucapan tersebut tidak hanya sekadar kata-kata, tetapi kita juga dapat menyelipkan makna dan pesan agar masyarakat terus memupuk dan menyebarkan kasih sayang kepada sesama.

Berikut 32 contoh ucapan selamat Paskah bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan, Rabu (27/3/2024).

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Contoh Ucapan Selamat Paskah Bahasa Inggris

1. "Wishing you a blessed and Happy Easter filled with the joy of the resurrection."

2. "May the light of Christ fill your heart with peace and love this Easter."

3. "He is risen! Rejoice and celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ."

4. "Let us reflect on the true meaning of Easter and be grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ."

5. "May the Easter season bring you closer to God and fill your life with His blessings."

6. "Happy Easter! Wishing you a day filled with joy, love, and chocolate."

7. "Have a hoppy Easter! May your day be filled with fun, family, and friends."

8. "He is risen indeed! Happy Easter to all!"

3 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Paskah Bahasa Inggris

9. "Wishing you a bright and blessed Easter filled with hope and new beginnings."

10. "Happy Easter! May the spirit of the season fill you with joy and happiness."

11. "Happy Easter to my dear friends and family! May your day be filled with love and laughter."

12. "Sending you warm Easter wishes filled with love and joy."

13. "Happy Easter to my wonderful family! Thank you for all the love and support."

14. "May the Easter bunny bring you lots of chocolate and joy this year!"

15. "Wishing you a happy and healthy Easter filled with good times and great memories."

16. "Happy Easter everyone! Let’s celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope of new beginnings."

4 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Paskah Bahasa Inggris

17. "Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with love, joy, and peace."

18. "He is risen! Rejoice and celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ."

19. "May the Easter season bring you closer to God and fill your life with His blessings."

21. "Happy Easter! Let’s hop to it and make this a day to remember."

22. "Wishing you a Happy Easter filled with the joy of the resurrection."

23. "May the light of Christ fill your heart with peace and love this Easter."

24. "Happy Easter! Wishing you a day filled with sunshine, chocolate, and good company."

5 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Ucapan Selamat Paskah Bahasa Inggris

25. "Have a hoppy Easter! May your day be filled with fun, laughter, and egg hunts."

26. "Sending you warm Easter wishes for a day filled with joy and happiness."

27. "Happy Easter to all! May this day be filled with love, hope, and new beginnings."

28. "Wishing you a beautiful Easter filled with the blessings of family and friends."

29. "Happy Easter to my dear friends and family! May your day be filled with love and laughter."

30. "Sending you warm Easter wishes filled with love and joy."

31. "Happy Easter to my wonderful family! Thank you for all the love and support."

32. "May the Easter bunny bring you lots of chocolate and joy this year!"


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