
Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Sekolah Bahasa Inggris, Mengharukan, Jakarta - Momen perpisahan sekolah biasanya dikemas dalam bentuk acara atau perayaan seperti kelulusan, wisuda, dan berbagai acara lainnya.

Saat perayaan perpisahan sekolah biasanya terdapat sesi penyampaian pidato. Penyampaian pidato perpisahan sekolah lazimnya disampaikan oleh satu perwakilan siswa yang ditunjuk guru.

Pidato perpisahan sekolah berisi tentang permintaan maaf dan ucapan terima kasih, serta kesan seseorang selama menempuh pendidikan di sekolah atau universitas.

Jika kamu mendapat tugas untuk menyampaikan pidato saat perpisahan sekolah, tetapi mengalami kendala bingung menyusunnya, jangan khawatir.

Kamu bisa melihat beberapa contoh pidato perpisahan sekolah di bawah ini. Kamu juga bisa menyampaikannya dalam bahasa Inggris agar terkesan berbeda.

Berikut ini contoh pidato perpisahan sekolah bahasa Inggris, yang mengharukan dan menyentuh hati, dikutip dari laman Belajarbahasainggrisku dan Sekolahbahasainggris, Jumat (9/6/2023).

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2 dari 4 halaman

Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning,

The honorable Mr. Abdul Rahman as the principal of SDN 1 Karang Rejo,

The honorable Mrs. Susilawati as the vice principal,

The Honorable teachers,

And all my beloved friends.

First of all, let us pray praise and gratitude to Allah Swt. because he has given his grace, guidance, and health to us so that we could gather together this morning in the context of the farewell day ceremony of the sixth-grade student. And also let’s convey blessings and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad hopefully we can get his intercession later amen. Let me deliver a speech representing all sixth-grade students on this happy day.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Time passed by so quickly. Without realizing it, we had studied for six-year at this school. Lots of science and precious memories that we have obtained. The sad, happy, difficult, and convenience we have experienced together as a family. Now those memories are wrapped into our memory that we will remember until the end of our time.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally, our graduation day has arrived. It is a happy and sad day for us because soon we will leave this school. Therefore, I am here as a representative of my friend to congratulate all sixth-grade students and teachers on their achievements this time so that we all can graduate. And also we deliver enormous gratitude to our beloved teachers for all they have given to us. Indeed we can not reply. Only prayer that we can give to our teacher may you always be given health by God amen.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This time we also will convey the last messages to our teachers and junior who will continue to struggle in this school after our graduation. To our beloved teachers, keep struggling to educate and produce qualified human beings because the teacher is the most important in the success of this country. Then for our juniors, you must be diligent to learn and obey all the bits of advice which are given by the teachers so that you will achieve great achievements and keep the good name of this school.

To all my friends, graduation is not the end of our struggle. However, this is a little fraction part of the long journey that we need to take to achieve success in the future. Therefore, let us continue to fight and study hard so that we can continue our education in junior high school that we dream of. We also ask prayer for teachers' blessing so that we can continue our struggle after this easily.

We also apologize profusely to teachers if we did mistakes that may be hurt your heart since we study here.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hopefully, this separation is not the end of everything and we can be met again someday. I hope what we have got since studying here is useful for all of us.

Maybe what I have to say is enough. If there are mistakes that I made when delivering this speech I apologize and thanks for your attention.

Wabilahitaufik walhidayah, Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

3 dari 4 halaman

Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable ones the principal of SMPN 21, all Teachers and administration staff-staff of SMPN 21, and all my friends in seven, eighth, and nine grades.

First of all, let us praise the Almighty Allah Swt. Because of His Blessing, we are able to gather here, to attend a farewell ceremony for the students of SMPN 21, nine grade.

Secondly, may selawat and salam be upon the Prophet Muhammad saw. who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness?

My friends, in this good opportunity, I stand here to represent all the students of SMPN 21 Grade Nine to give a valedictory speech.

There are so many things that I want to say here to express how thankful we are. I can't find a word to describe the tears of joy of remembering all memories that we have been through during these past three years. All we want to say is we are proud to belong here, to study here, and to meet all the great teachers that we have ever met.

We would like to say thank you very much to all the teachers of SMPN 21 who have taught, educated, and guided us so that we can pass the national exam (UN) successfully. Thank you very much for your dedication. We know that your advice, guidance, and motivations have made us better not only in thinking but also in attitudes.

My teacher, we realize that we cannot give you any reward. It seems that there is not a single reward that can represent our thankfulness for your merit. We can only give you gratitude and pray. May Allah repay your kindness. May Allah always bless you all.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think that's all my valedictory speech. I am so sorry for all my mistakes. The last, on behalf of students, in grade nine, once again, I would like to say: thank you, forgive us, and remember us. Thank you very much. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

4 dari 4 halaman

Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Respectable all of the teachers,

All my friends that I care about.

First of all, let's pray and thank our god Allah Swt. who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Peace and salutation always pass to the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his friends, and his followers may we be reunited on the surge by him.

Happy audience,

On this great day, let me represent gave a speech in this farewell in order to deliver a range of impressions and messages to us during our dear school. Do not forget I thank all our committee that have been trying hard in preparing for this event. Every beginning must have an ending and so does each meeting surely there is farewell. We studied in this school. So many things we have gone through with either love or grief.

It is too heavy for us to leave the school and leave all of the large families of this school. However, we cannot do anything. We still have to continue this struggle. Therefore, we all ask for prayer and the blessing of teachers so that we can be successful in the future and benefit the parents, religion, and of course our nation. It is time for us to leave this school. I represent the whole child class XII and will deliver messages to you.

For teachers,

Forgive us for all our behavior during this trouble. Although we are no longer located near you, we will always remember all the advice and guidance of the Mr/Mrs. of all teachers.

For my friends, especially those of class XII,

This ending is not the end for us but this is the start of our struggle to success. Keep learning and take all our dreams and let us keep the school's good name. Let’s ruin it with actions that do not deserve to do.

For the younger sister of our class,

Now you will keep this school. Keep learning, and make teachers and parents proud. And also adhere to all advice of Mr. and Mrs. Teacher because it is a good thing.

We hope May we all be successful. I was there as a representative of the students of class XII again saying many thanks. I hope that the other time we could get together again. If there are mistakes and shortcomings in this speech, I apologize. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Sumber: Belajarbahasainggrisku, Sekolahbahasainggris

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