
Contoh-Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris yang Bisa Dipahami, Jakarta - Teks prosedur atau procedure text adalah jenis teks yang memberikan petunjuk untuk melakukan atau menggunakan sesuatu dengan langkah-langkah yang urut. Jadi, teks prosedur merupakan jenis teks yang berisi tahapan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu.

Cukup mudah mengenali teks prosedur karena jenis teks ini mempunyai ciri khas, baik dari segi isi maupun kebahasaannya. Teks prosedur juga banyak dijumpai di sekitar kita, yang mungkin tanpa kita sadari.

Teks prosedur bertujuan untuk membantu seseorang memahami bagaimana cara melakukan atau membuat sesuatu dengan tepat. Dalam membuat atau melakukan sesuatu, harus sesuai langkah-langkah yang ada secara berurutan agar tidak berakibat fatal.

Seperti teks pada umumnya, teks prosedur memiliki struktur tersendiri, yakni aim/goal (tujuan), ingredients (materials), dan steps/methods (cara). 

Untuk mengetahui dan memahami teks prosedur, bisa mencari contoh-contohnya. Ada banyak contoh teks prosedur bahasa Inggris yang bisa dibaca sebagai bahan referensi.

Berikut ini kumpulan contoh teks prosedur bahasa Inggris yang bisa dipahami, seperti dilansir dari laman, Selasa (1/3/2022).

2 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How to Use An Electronic Iron



1. Iron

2. Electricity socket



1. Plug the iron cable into an electricity socket and wait until the iron get warmer.

2. Place the clothes on the place mat.

3. Apply the iron on the clothes surface evenly.

3 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How To Make Tipat Cantok



1. Ketupat

2. Fried peanuts

3. The boiling of bean sprout and cabbage

4. Salt

5. Water of citrus

6. Water

7. Soy of sauce



1. The first one is grinding the chili, garlic, salt on the stone plate, and then grinding the fried peanuts.

2. Second, while you are grinding pour some water into the mixture, to make it quite liquid.

3. The third, cut the ketupat into the small pieces and pour it into the batter the mix it carefully.

4. And then, put some boiling bean sprout and cabbage into the batter. Add some soy sauce and citrus water, mix it completely.

5. After that, put it onto the plate and serve it beautifully with the fried onion.

4 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How to Make a Pancake


Ingredients :

  • 3-4 spoonful of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk
  • 1 stick of butter



  • 1 mixing bowl
  • 2 table spoons
  • 2 cups
  • 1 small pan



1. Put the flour in the bowl.

2. Put milk in a cup.

3. Make sure it's 250 ml of milk.

4. Put the milk in the bowl.

5. Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.

6. Mix it with a spoon.

7. Heat up the pan and put the butter

8. Put the mix in the pan.

9. Let the pancake mix cook in 5 minutes.

10. Flip pancake over when the top is brown.

11. Your pancake its ready to be serve.

5 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How to Make Fried Rice Using Sachet Seasoning



– One plate of rice

– One egg

– One sausage

– 2 cloves of garlic

– 1 item of red onion

– Instant fried rice seasoning


Methods / Steps:

1. First of all, slice the garlic and shallots first.

2. Next, slice the garlic until smooth, and slice the shallots thick enough.

3. Then heat enough cooking oil in a skillet.

4. Fry under the garlic and onion together.

5. Wait for it to turn golden.

6. Next, put the eggs in the pan with the onions.

7. Beat the eggs and onions until evenly distributed.

8. Then put the white rice that has been prepared beforehand into the pan.

9. Sprinkle the powder of the instang fried rice seasoning as much as ½ sachet.

10. After that, keep stirring the rice until it is mixed with the ingredients until the rice looks dry.

11. Transfer the rice to a plate when it feels cooked.

12. Fried rice is ready to eat!

6 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How to Make a Glass of Coffee


Materials :

- Water

- Sugar

- Coffee

- Glass

- Spoon

- Kettle


Steps :

1. Boil the water first.

2. Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. Put into a glass.

3. Next, pour the hot water into a glass.

4. Then, stir it gently.

5. Finally, your coffee is ready to drink.

7 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How to Make Dalgona Coffee



– Coffee sachets without sugar (If you want to succeed, use 2 sachets coffee)

– 2 teaspoons of sugar

– White milk

– Sufficient cold water

– Ice cubes as needed



1. First, prepare a container to make foam from coffee. Can use a bowl or other container.

2. Then put two sachets of powdered coffee, sugar, and a little cold water into the container. Why use cold water? Because the cold nature of water will make development faster.

3. Beat the ingredients with a fork until fluffy and foamy. This process takes a long time, which is why you can try to use a mixer to save time and effort.

4. After that, prepare the glass to be used.

5. Pour in the milk about ½ cup or so (don't get full).

6. Place the coffee mixture that has been made previously on top of the milk as a topping.

7. Dalgona coffee is ready to drink!

8 dari 8 halaman

Contoh Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris

How to Operate a Manual Washing Machine


If you just bought a washing machine and don't know how to use it, see the following information on how to operate a manual washing machine.

1. Put the clothes you want to wash into the wash basin.

2. Then enter the water by plugging the water hose into the pipe in the washing machine. Make sure the panel shows the "normal' position. Because if the position "drain" will waste water.

3. Then put the soap used for washing and close the washing machine so that the water does not come out.

4. Turn the time dial on the washing machine according to your needs. You are given the freedom to choose 15 minutes or something else.

5. After arriving at the specified time, the machine will stop by itself.

6. After that you can get rid of the dirty water by turning the panel from "normal" to "drain".

7. Repeat this process up to 3 times to rinse the garment clean.

8. Next, you can use the dryer feature next to the washing place. You just need to put the washed clothes in the dryer

9. Then close it so that the dryer can run later.

10. If so, then rotate how long the dryer will rotate. After drying, your clothes are ready to dry.

So that's a simple way to use a manual washing machine. However, this method cannot be done if you use an automatic washing machine.


Sumber: Deckarenas

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