
30 Kata-kata untuk Sahabat, Bukti Pertemanan Sejati Selalu di Hati, Jakarta - Persahabatan bisa lahir dari berbagai macam cara. Semua sahabat, punya tujuan sama, yakni menjadi sumber cinta dan dukungan untuk sahabatnya.

Mendapatkan sahabat sejati bak anugerah tak ternilai dalam hidup. Mereka akan selalu ada untukmu, meski terpisah jarak.

Saat putus cinta, saat kelulusan sekolah, menghadapi masalah di rumah, kantor, sekolah, kampus, saat melewati masa suram dan bahagia, sahabat sejati akan selalu ada di sisimu.

Kamu juga bisa 100 persen nyaman dan aman bersamanya, tak akan yang menghakimimu  Sahabat sejati akan memberikan waktu, tenaga, bahu untuk bersandar, menangis bersama, dan tertawa bersamamu.

Mereka akan mengangkatmu saat terjatuh dan mengangkatmu lebih tinggi ketika kamu berada di "puncak dunia".

Sahabat sejati merupakan partner terbaik dalam hidup.

Kata-kata di bawah ini mungkin bisa menggambarkan betapa spesialnya ikatan di antara kamu dan sahabat terbaikmu.

Tak masalah apakah persahabatanmu dan teman baru seumur jagung atau sudah berjalan tahunan, atau apakah kalian bisa saling jumpa setiap waktu atau terhalang tempat, 30 kata-kata yang dinukil dari ini Country Living dan Good House Keeping, Rabu (27/5/2020) ini, bisa menjadi pengingat hubungan istimewa kamu dan sahabatmu.

2 dari 2 halaman

Kata-kata tentang Sahabat

1. "A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world". -Leo Buscaglia

2. "Friendship is the hardest things in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything". - Muhammad Ali

3. "Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that." -Ally Condie

4. "Let us grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom". -Marcel Proust

5. "Friend are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer". -Ed Cunningham

6. "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked". - Bernard Meltzer

7. "Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them". -Anna Taylor

8. "A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you". -Unknown

9. "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprint in your heart". -Eleanor Roosevelt

10. "There's nothing like a royal, dependable, good friend. Nothing". -Jennifer Aniston

11. "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate". -Linda Grayson

12. "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me". -Henry Ford

13. "The greatest gift of life is friendship". -Hubert H. Humphrey

14. "What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies". -Aristotle

15. "Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer". -Jean de la Fontaine

16. "It's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but it's your best friends who are your diamonds". -Gina Barreca

17. "One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and be understood". -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

18. "Friends are the siblings God never gave us". -Mencius

19. "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you". -Elbert Hubbard

20. "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart". -Elisabeth Foley

21. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out". -Walter Winchell

22. "True friendship resists time, distance, and silence". -Isabel Allende

23. "Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light". -Helen Keller

24. "A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself". -Jim Morrison

25. "A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails" -Donna Roberts

26. "There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family". -Unknown

27. "Good friends are like the stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there". -Unknown

28. "There is nothing i would not do for those who are really my friends". -Jane Austen

29. "True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart". -Unknown

30. "A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are". -Unknown


Sumber: Country Living, Good House Keeping

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